In 1997, the Papua New Guinea Parliament enacted the National AIDS Council 1997 and Amendment Act2007 and it established the National AIDS Council. The National AIDS Council is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the implementation of HIV and AIDS programs (activities) in the country. The Council is a multi-sectoral body with diverse representative membership from sectoral agencies/organizations. As the governing body for coordinating the HIV response in the country, the Council convenes quarterly to provide leadership and strategic direction to the National AIDS Council Secretariat (NACS).
Following the establishment of the National AIDS Council in 1997, the National AIDS Council Secretariat (NACS) was established in 2000. NACS is mandated to facilitate the main coordination roles and functions of the National AIDS Council, as stipulated in the Act of 1997 and amended in 2007. The National AIDS Council Secretariat (NACS) implements various programs which include Monitoring and Evaluation and Research, Advocacy and Social Mobilization and Policy and Planning.
The National AIDS Council and the National Department of Health fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health & HIV/AIDS.
National Aids Council Secretariat
4 Mile Bus Stop, Old PIH Building
P.O. Box 1345,
National Capital District
(+675) 300 2600
(+675) 323 6161
Monday – Friday
08:00 – 1600 Hours
© 2023 National Aids Council Secretariat. All Rights Reserved